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how to stay fit : 8 steps remove your laziness(without gym)

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We all have some health related issues which we carry with us in daily life and make our life boring, resist us from enjoying all aspects of life which we imagined in our past days. Most of the people do a lot of hard work to stay fit but due to some reason they will not be able to achieve it. Therefore today, we will share about some steps which are easy to follow and help us to stay fit and healthy. 

For achieving fitness at first we have to follow some basic healthy life style which includes daily proper physical exercises, daily bathing, brushing, doing conversation with others if some is suffering from mental problems and like other good stuff that can makes you feel good without harming our body. Eating fast-food can make you feel good but not good for your fitness and same with alcohol that can make you feel good but not good for your health.

We have 30 steps which make your healthy and fit life better.

8 steps which makes your life fit without going to gym

1) Must Avoid Negative Thoughts :

Negative talk leads to the generation of negative thoughts. Negative thoughts leads to the creation of the helplessness and hopelessness which further leads to anxiety and depression, making your immune systems weak, unbalances the excretion of various hormones, also decreases the excretion of happy hormones like dopamine makes us feel more sad, decreases the span of our life and causes the problem of high blood pressure.

This one single aspect of yours has power to create all these problems. So it is better to avoid negative talk about anything or about someone because in reality negative thoughts are ruining your own life only, not of that person.

Cure :

To avoid negative thoughts, at first we have to avoid negative talks. Second thing that you must do to get rid of negative thoughts and live your life fit and healthy is meditation. In meditation, you can do vipassana meditation which helps you to control your mind thoughts. By this meditation you can enjoy your life in the present moment without wandering in your past and future thoughts which are meaningless for your daily survival.

2) Do Exercise Daily :

There was a time when exercise was not a part of routine. At that time I felt my life was just passing, I was not living my life with full potential. These were like dead days of my life. I was spending my whole day using mobile, laptop and T.V.. There was no pleasure in those days and my self-esteem was in hell at that time. With the passage of time, I was becoming short-tempered and most of the time I felt irritated and hopelessness was always around me.

So with this you can imagine what kind of things can happen to you if you are not including exercise in your routine.

I am not insisting that you have to do professional or intensive exercises, you can also do any kind of game such as soccer, hockey, volleyball, or any game in which you have interest to do. It may be dancing, frisbee and you can also go for a walk.

By doing this, you will get much more benefits that will help you stay fit. Some of the benefits of exercises are :
  • helps in quit in smoking
  • improves you heart condition (reduces the risk of heart attack)
  • mental health and enhances the mood level by releasing dopamine
  • manage blood sugar level and balances the excretion of insulin
  • improves the skill of judgement, memorisation, focus, learning, thinking, etc.
  • strengthen your bones, muscles, kidneys, liver and many other parts of your body
  • increases your life-span by keeping you fit
  • reduces the chances of various kind of cancers like breast cancer 
  • and also helps you reduce your overall body fat including inner thigh, face-fat, belly-fat and hip-fat.
You should go with this which keeps you fit and takes away boredom from your life.

3) Do Meditation :

Meditation comes in one of those practises which has power to change you totally, It doesn't matter how scary your past was. Meditation will train your mind to be calm in any kind of situation and gives you the key of mind to control unwanted thoughts which are damaging you.

Have you heard about mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a state when you are aware about every body sensation, thoughts, feeling and what is going on around yourself. In this, we will be accepting all the things without judging them, without analyzing what is right and what is wrong. In this state, we will be paying attention to our thoughts without believing them. When you practise it, your thoughts  tune into what you are seeing in the present moment.

Here are the types of meditation which you can practise to make your life fit and also can achieve the extreme powers of mind that are embedded in your head.
  • loving kindness meditation (its goal is to create the sense of love and kindness towards everything)
  • body scan or progressive relaxation (its goal to pay attention to tension and which allows our mind to release
  • mindfulness meditation (its goal to keep your brain in the present moment and increases awareness)
  • breath awareness meditation (its goal to reduce anxiety, improve concentration, greater emotional flexibility)
  • kundalini yoga (its goal is to increases physical strength, reduce pain, increases energy and improves mental condition)
  • zen meditation (this type of meditation is similar to mindfulness meditation but requires more discipline and practise. People may prefer this who want both relaxation and spiritual path)
  • transcendental meditation (it is a spiritual form of meditation. Its goal is to rise above the person's current state of being)
All above meditation has its own speciality. It depends on you which types of meditation that you want to do. But for better fitness and better well being you have to take one of them which helps you to grow at your brain level.

4) Stay Hydrated :

There are some people who suggest 8 glasses of water per day to drink. But trust me, this is totally a myth. There is no specific quantity of water to drink to stay fit, it depends on person to person because of difference in occupation, body type, climate, age and many other factors.

Other myths are drinking enough water prevents our body to get wrinkles and also prevents cramps while doing exercise

Drink water whenever you feel thirsty. But if you want to know how to check whether I am hydrated or not, then you check the color of your urine. If it is white, it indicates that your body is hydrated. If it is yellowish, then you are dehydrated and other factors are listed below if you are hydrated :
  • dry mouth
  • extreme thirst
  • headache
  • confusion
  • little or no urine
  • sleepiness or fatigue
  • no tears when crying
  • dizziness or lightheadedness 
We know how to stay hydrated, but what are the benefits of staying hydrated?
  • betterment in the functioning of heart (our heart will pump blood with less effort)
  • regulates the body temperature
  • muscles joints work better (it helps in lubricating the joints and water inner and outer side of contracting muscles provide adequate nutrient and remove waste)
  • cleanse your body inside and out (prevents kidney stone and urinary tract infections)
  • keeps your skin soft and prevents the dryness of your mouth
These all are the benefits of staying hydrated. I want to share some tips that I follow in my routine such as always try to drink water at room temperature, never drink water while eating, you can drink in between meals and drink water sip by sip so that saliva of your mouth gets properly mixed into water.

5) Balanced Diet :

It is very important to take Balanced Diet to stay fit. Like drinking water, Balanced Diet is also varies according to person to person. As we all know Balanced Diet is consist appropriate amount of carbohydrates, protein, fats, micro-nutrients, minerals, vitamins and water in your diet. Balanced diet is different for person to person depending on its occupation types, age, body structure, climate, temperature and sex.

That's why, before following any kind of diet that you take from the internet, consult with your doctor. Wrong diet may become the cause of unwanted disease that you are cultivating unintentionally by following that diet which is not suitable for you.

Also there are some myths regarding food intake which are circulating in society without having scientific proof such as :
  • eating raw vegetables is more nutritious. eating raw vegetables is more nutritious than cooked food. In fact raw food is a little bit difficult for our body to digest. Instead of eating raw vegetables considering them as a healthier option, you can eat boiled food which has all the nutrients that food already has before boiling and also easy to digest.
  • drinking too much water. Drinking too much water we have already discussed. But I want to add something to that topic that you can get all these benefits that we have discussed above when you drink water in the right way. I already have a blog on this if you want to watch then you can click here.
  • high fat foods are unhealthy. Low content of fat in your diet is directly linked with many problems such as dry skin, dry eyes, feeling cold, hormonal imbalances, mental fatigue and also there will deficiency in fat soluble vitamins.
  • non-nutritive sweeteners are healthier option. These artificial sugar stimulates our brain which affects our hormones and metabolism problems. Artificial sugar makes you get hungry and you will eat more sugar and develop diabetes.
  • eating less food frequently is a good option. But this method is made for those who are suffering from diabetes like or any other kind of health issue.
  • white potatoes are not good for our fitness. Infact potatoes are excellent source of nutrients, vitamin C, potassium and fibre.
and some other myths are 
  • high cholesterol is curse for your fitness
  • cutting carbs in your diet is healthy option for all
  • fiber supplements are healthier option over fiber rich food
  • calcium supplements are necessary for bone health.
6) Healthy Breakfast :

In today's life, it is very common that people avoid their breakfast in order to go to their work before time and they compensate their breakfast with dinner. But this is the worst thing that you can do with your body. After sunset our body is not capable to digest heavy food and large quantity of food, in results this gets rotten in your body and creates a lot of problems such as late night acid reflux which further leads to heart pain and acidity like problems, poor memory and concentration level, weight gain, eating disorder and blood sugar level, etc.

and skipping your breakfast disturbs the rhythm of the whole day. When you wake up your body needs food to build muscles and helps to replenish other deficient things in your body. If you skip your breakfast, it might cause many problems such as :
  • high risk of type-2 diabetes
  • increases the risk of hair fall
  • bad for your heart
  • increases the risk of cancer
  • causes migraine problem
  • badly affects our mood and energy
  • affects our metabolism
  • worsens hangover
  • also cause weight gain
  • cognitive functioning
your daily breakfast should contain 300-350 calories a day. And your breakfast should be of chewing type, not of drinking. The reason behind this is that drinking meal is less in fiber content therefore it is not capable to make your tummy fill to your next meal.

In your breakfast you can include various type of food such as oats, eggs, seeds, whole grain-waffles, unsweetened greek yogurt, bananas, black tea or coffee, skim lattes, 100% whole grain toast, avocados, nuts and nut butter, berries, sweet potatoes, part skim cheese, frozen breakfast sandwiches and much more things.

You are advised to cut-off sugary stuff from your diet such as Cereals, granola, oatmeal, bars, bagels, and juice and you must ensure that your diet contains at most 4g of sugar.
Your breakfast is the only meal that plays an important role in fulfilling the energy requirement of the whole day. So don't compromise with your morning meal.

7) Take Proper Sleep :

Statistics shows that about 1 out of 3 adults doesn't get proper sleep. 30% of people suffer from insomnia and 10% of people suffer from chronic insomnia. And some may have to suffer from diabetes, obesity, heart attack, high blood pressure. I know in this stressful life it is difficult to manage our schedule. But to stay fit we have to manage our routine and fix and prioritise time for every work that is important to us.

We can save time by stopping unusual activity. For this, we have  to quit social media which consumes our lot of time. But this seems to be impractical for most of the people. To tackle this, we can increase the quality of sleep so that we sleep less and our body doesn't feel tired.

For this we can take some measure that helps us to take better and good sleep in less time to stay our body fit :
  • increases the bright light exposure during the day
  • reduces the blue light exposure during the day
  • reduce long naps in the day time
  • reduces the consumption of caffeine during the day time
  • don't eat too much late in the evening
  • relax your mind in the evening
  • take relaxing bath shower
  • sleep on comfortable bed, pillow and mattress
  • don't do any kind of exercise before going to bed
  • don't drink any liquid like stuff before going to bed
This is the only method that you can do to manage your fitness and your daily work simultaneously.

8) Stay Motivated :

Most of the people are frequently saying that there is a lack of motivation in their life. The main reason behind this is your bad habits. When you are not able to complete your task, then it turns into regret. This ultimately takes your motivation away from you. The reason behind this, you are spending a lot of time in order to entertain yourself. Therefore, at first you have to put your precious time in fruitful activities such as in learning some skills or anything which makes you better than yesterday.

There are some methods that I love to do whenever I feel depressed :
  • listen music whenever you feel depressed. This will lift your mood. The reason behind this is that our existence with nature in the form of 5 elements and air is one of them. Whenever we come in touch with these elements our brain releases happy hormones and lifts our mood.
  • you should do daily exercise.
  • always try to be in contact with nature.
  • avoid negative talk with others.
  • you can also do meditation which can unbelievably make your mind to be in your control.
  • you can also listen motivational videos on youtube. To fill our mind with positive energy, we should continuously provide positive thoughts to it.
You have noticed that all the things that we have discussed are interlinked. One step is linked with many other steps. Therefore my advice to you to follow all steps to get 100% benefits of what you will be doing.

I think, you found it to be helpful.

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