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Having your body in underweight is like a god gives a golden chance to make your body stronger. It is easier for the underweight person to make a muscular body than the overweight person. But for this you must have to take some steps and follow some regulations.
There are a lot of similarities between a person underweight or overweight. Underweight person also faces a lot of health related issues same as the overweight person. If a person is underweight might be facing social problems same as a person facing the social pressure of being overweight.
Eating fat in the diet may be like hell for the health of a person who is suffering from his low weight. But the same fat is like a miraculous thing for the underweight person.
Having fat on skin is not always so bad.
It has its own importance on skin. Fat is nothing but stored energy on the body which comes in the category of good fat. Dietary fats are responsible for several optimal functions of the body such as it is responsible for the maintenance of hair, it is responsible for the development of the brain. In our body fat is a carrier of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K (vitamins that are soluble in fat) and also supports the absorption of vitamins in the intestine.
Things You Should Do To Gain Weight
Avoid Junk Food
For the gaining of weight, doctors may put you on a high calorie diet but it doesn't allow you to take junk food as much as you want. Infact in this critical situation these junk foods can prove to be more harmful. Because fast food comes in a category that contains bad fat. Bad fat significantly plays a role in increasing (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesnownews.com/amp/health/article/5-harmful-effects-of-junk-food-type-2-diabetes-weight-gain-heart-disease-liver-damage-asthma/374748)
diabetic problems, strokes, liver damage, respiratory problems and other chronic problems. You must follow a proper approach to gain weight.
You might have the thinking that to gain weight I should avoid exercise. But reality is different. The reason behind is that exercise helps your body to increase the mass of muscles. But this will happen only if your diet contains the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins otherwise you will definitely lose your weight.
Take Proper Sleep
Sometimes taking sleep, people linked it with laziness. But there is a difference between taking good sleep and resting all the time on your couch. In fact good sleep can help you in the process of gaining weight. Good sleep improves your metabolism which helps you to digest your nutritious diet and helps to get the benefit of your diet in your muscles growth as much as possible and restrict the accumulation of bad fat in your body by digesting it properly. If you are not taking proper sleep then it will increase your hunger which is not a sign to put a smile on our face. In fact this hunger leads to accumulation of bad fat which rises as another in the journey of your life.
Having Proper Diet
Nobody can tell a proper diet plan online for you as everyone has different body structure, body type, age, etc. For this you must approach the doctors. But here I can give a rough idea what type of your diet should be. Your diet must contain pastas, whole-grain breads, vegetables, pulses, cereals, fruits, dairy product items and items that contain high amounts of protein such as nuts, seeds, fish, meat, tofu, yogurt etc. Cut off tea, coffee, cold-drink and any other beverages that contain less amount of nutritious value, instead you can replace these things with smoothies or healthy shakes which makes you feel good and fresh.
Here you can check 5 recipes easy to cook, delicious and healthy
Tips Should Follow While Eating Food
Chew Food Properly
As we learnt in schools that mechanical digestion takes less energy than chemical digestion. On the basis of this statement, it clears that our goal must be to take nutrition as much as possible without consuming much food.
Never Drink Water While Eating
Whenever you drink water while eating it makes the power of digestion lower. The reason is that drinking water while eating dilutes the HCL acid in the stomach which plays an essential role in digestion. And another reason is that digestion is an exothermic process but water goes against its nature. It takes away the heat of the process and ultimately makes digestion weaker.
Must Try To Eat Varieties Of Dishes At The Same Time
You should take no. of dishes at the same time because one dish can't be able to give you all the nutrients that requires your body. And the same is the concept of a balanced diet. The reason behind doing this is to make sure that your body doesn't feel deficiency of any nutrient at any time so that the proper functioning of the body goes on all the time.
Don't Do Anything While Eating
For the digestion of food saliva plays an important role. But whenever you are doing activity while eating your mind is not able to get all the experiences that you must have while eating for the excretion of saliva.
Your Diet Must Be Nutritious
You need more nutritions to raise your weight. To fasten the process of gaining weight, you should do exercise but for that you have to eat healthy food otherwise your weight can lose. Besides this it will cover your other deficiencies of the body which also contributes in the weight gaining process. But it is ok to have a small amount of ice-cream or something else some days in a controlled way but not permit your mind to become habitual of these things.
Question That You Should Ask From Your Doctor
- Should I take any supplement like whey protein?
- Should I take medicines to increase my body weight?
- What should my diet include to gain weight faster?
- What type of exercises are best for me for weight gaining?
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