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Vipassana : Meaning|Benefits|How To Practise It|Rules To Follow|Right Place to do

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Meaning of Vipassana :

Vipassana meaning is insight, looking inwards of your body, looking at the things as they really are, don't judge anything. Vipassana meditation is the practise of controlling your mind from any kind of distraction, hatred, jealousy, arrogance and irritation. vipassana helps you to live your life peacefully and with fulfillment. By doing this you can get rid of all the problems that you have.

Vipassana eliminates the three causes of all unhappiness: craving, aversion and ignorance.

Going to Self-Isolation :

It is recommended to all that during vipassana one should avoid communication to others or using any kind of gesture, sign to communicate with others. A person should cultivate the feel of working in self-isolation.
self-isolation also includes not to be in physical contact with family members, friends, relatives or any person.

What Vipassana is not:

  • It is not a rite or ritual based on blind faith.
  • It is neither an intellectual nor a philosophical entertainment and decoration
  • It is not a rest cure.
  • It is not an escape from the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

What Vipassana is:

  • It is a technique that will eradicate suffering.
  • It is a method of mental purification which allows one to face life's tensions and problems in a calm, balanced way.
  • It is an art of living that one can use to make positive contributions to society.

A person who is following the vipassana meditation must follow these codes called The Code of Discipline

  • don't involve in any killing activity
  • don't involve in stealing activity
  • keep a distance from sexual thoughts in your mind
  • don't tell lie to anyone
  • don't be toxic with anybody

And here are three other three precept :

  • to abstain from eating after midday
  • maintain distance from any kind of entertainment sources
  • can't use high or luxurious beds

During vipassana meditation it is compulsory to all that one should not be involved in any following activity :

  • fasting
  • burning incense
  • singing and dancing

and any type of activity that can divert your presence of mind

Vipassana needs purity to show its greatness.

What is the vipassana technique?

It is simply a meditation to explore our-self by focusing on our breadth and awareness of the physical sensation. In this technique no imagination is required. It is simply build a connection between mind and body by remaining in discipline.

While finding this, you may come to know 10 days of vipassana meditation which is actually a course run by (It is non-profit making organisation which is funded by those who has already taken their course and feel the changes in their life) in their campus where you will get proper teachers who are expert in this and they will also provide basic facilities of living without charging any fees.

If you want to get full info about this course then you can go their official website

How should you do vipassana meditation?

Favorable Environment :

Before starting meditation you should find a quiet and dark room, not having any kind of disturbances.

Your mind should be calm and not in any kind of hurry. If you are a beginner and having headache, irritation, pain in any part or any kind of thing that can distract your mind, you should avoid it at that time. You should do this when you are totally relaxed and have no tension or when your body allows.

How you should start vipassana meditation :

If you want to watch video about this, then you can click below

Sit on a flat surface. Your legs should be crossed and your back should be straight. Place your arms in front of your body and should be interlocked.

Close your eyes and try to focus on your breadth. Besides this, you should be aware about your body, for example - be aware about the movement of your body, be aware about your body's heat, be aware about your heart beat or anything that deals with your body.

During meditation, focus on your breathing in and breathing out. Feel how the air goes into your nostrils. Do this process again and again. Don't care about what happened to you in the past and don't think about the future. You must live in the present moment. After a while you will feel relaxed and your mind will be calmed. In the first few days, you will feel disturbances around you, but this problem will be fixed after a few days of meditation.

While doing this, you might feel pain or concern about health related issues, then you can use a chair.

Sitting on a flat surface is not compulsory to follow. But if you can tolerate that pain then you should go with the first option. you can use a cushion under your legs to feel comfortable.

Another method is that whenever you feel pain while meditating then you say pain-pain-pain in your head, then pain will disappear and that pain will not appear at the same place.

If pain becomes intolerable then you can get up and can walk in the room. But don't try to change your posture while meditation.

After a few days of continuous meditation, you will find extreme changes in your thought process, always be satisfied with other things, negative thoughts have no more place in your mind and always kind with others and feel happy all the time. It is not used for any kind of cure and has no direct connection between the diseases and mental problems, but it is seen that people feel better results in psychosomatic diseases that they earlier have.

Benefits :

Vipassana meditation has a lot of benefits with in it directly and indirectly. Some of them are :

  • it gives the mind stronger impetus, efforts and happiness than before
  • it improves memory, allowing some person to remember things well
  • vipassana will soak you with knowledge
  • you become more tolerant and start to look at life positively
  • your attachment to worldly issue decreases and you learn to see the life beyond that
  • it helps you to understand the behaviour and responses of other persons in a better way

Summary :

The vipassana meditation is all about the inter-connection between mind and soul or to control your mind.

While doing this you are not allowed to come in contact with any distraction, not even distracted with any kind of activity of your family members.

It is necessary to follow all the code of disciplines that we discussed above.

The best way of doing vipassana meditation is to do it alone and minimize the conversation with others as much as you can and try to live in the present moment. Don't care about the past and the future prediction.

A person can get its benefits if a person depends on their own good qualities and personal development and on five factors :

  • earnest
  • efforts
  • confidence
  • sincerity
  • health
  • wisdom

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