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7 benefits of turmeric milk; save cash from costly treatment


Turmeric is a popular herb that is obtained from the roots of curcuma longa (plant) mostly found in india. It plays a significant role in ayurvedic medicine because of its lots of beneficial properties such as non-toxic nature, anti-inflammatory property, antioxidant, analgesic, antiseptic, cures the cancer and many more.

Because of all of its properties, it is used in combination with numbers of food items to cure various diseases. Turmeric milk also comes in one of them.(1)

Where the combination of turmeric in milk is totally fine without doing any harmful effect to your body.(2)

A study showed that a sheep who is taking turmeric in the diet. They noticed that the quality of milk was improved and also its shelf-life was improved. They also noticed that milk became more rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and also lower lipid peroxidation in milk (or prevents our cells from damage).(3)

Here are benefits of turmeric milk that can occupy special space in your healthy diet.

Key Ingredient For Liver

Turmeric can protect and treat liver disease by altering cellular pathways, for example by stimulating the production of antioxidants. It protects our liver from injury and fibrogenesis by suppressing inflammation and by reducing the strength of oxidative stress. A wide variety of studies shows that taking turmeric in diet has a power impact in the management of oxidative stress liver disease which plays an important role in almost all diseases of liver.

It protects our liver from acute damage by inhibiting proinflammatory cytokines production

Therefore taking the significant amount of turmeric along with restricted therapeutic options can provide best prevention and treatment for liver disorders.(4)(5)(6)

If you want to know how to use turmeric to get benefits from it in day to day life then, click here

Turmeric Milk For Digestive System

It has been proven that turmeric has properties to fix many gastrointestinal issues both functional and organic. Turmeric with phospholipids can be very helpful in increasing the absorbing power of the intestine as compared with the traditional unformulated curcuminoid mixtures.

That is the reason, it is now looking as the new therapeutic option for the treatment of gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases and replace the old therapies which do not give satisfactory results.(7)

Turmeric Milk For Respiratory Problems

As turmeric cures acute and chronic liver problems, it also cures acute and chronic lung problems. Due to our day to day life mineral dust, cigarette smoke, airborne pollutants and many other factors can damage our lungs and lead to the acute and chronic inflammatory lung diseases.

Despite major progress in the medical field, still we are not able to make any satisfactory meds for lung problems. 

Where as with turmeric, there are many tests which show that attenuates fibrosis caused by radiation and also lung injury

  • There are also some studies which show that turmeric is also plays its significant role in curing many problems such as allergic asthma, 
  • acute respiratory distress syndrome (breathing disorder that affects newborn), 
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (disease in which airflow from lungs become difficult), 
  • prevention from inflammation and oxidative stress (is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body).

Turmeric Milk For Brain Boost

Turmeric has been analysed about curing any brain issue, and the results show that turmeric can cure Alzheimer's disease (disease which destroys memory and other important functions related to the brain). 

Still scientists have not much knowledge about turmeric on brain functions but they are researching on the effects of turmeric on brain such as
  • What is the main component of turmeric which actually can cure Alzheimer's disease?
  • What is the role of turmeric in neurological disorder?
  • Would it be effective if it is taken alone or with any other inflammatory drugs?

Turmeric Milk For Cardiovascular Diseases

Turmeric also plays a remarkable role in heart failure. It appears that turmeric has cardiovascular benefits through the number of mechanisms. They analysed the different mechanism models of heart failure. And the result comes out to be that it has complementary benefits in heart failure.

Besides all this, it is also very effective in protecting the heart from FFA (Free Fatty Acid) which has a direct link with the cardiovascular diseases.

Where other medical treatments have so many side effects such as reactive oxygen species, inflammation, apoptosis (causes cell shrinking and nucleus fragmentation) and hypertrophy (enlargement of organs due to increase in the size of cells), all these effects are suppressed by turmeric treatment.(10)

Key Ingredient For Infection

Turmeric has a curcumin component which is active against bacteria, virus, fungi, pathogenic which makes it an anti-infective activity in broad spectrum. That is the reason that sometimes people use turmeric as antiseptic and apply on the wounds to prevent wounds from further infection. (11)

Key Ingredient For Cholesterol and Triglycerides or Hyperlipidemia

As we know that cholesterol restricts the blood flow by depositing some substance in the blood vessel walls, leads to heart attack and stroke and this is the major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Turmeric has great potential in curing cardiovascular disease, that's why it experienced natural cardioprotective effects by lowering the amount of LDL-C (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides levels without doing any damage to HDL levels (good cholesterol). (12)

I hope, you found it to be helpful.

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